A Sample Reading

English information

A Sample Reading

I hope to have the actual cards used in this spread soon, so please bear with me!

Here is a sample spread using the Celtic Cross Spread. I use the Robin Wood Tarot deck, whose images are drawn from Rider-Waite, but are more colorful and vibrant.
This is to give you an idea of how the cards would be interpreted within a spread, as opposed to their meanings given in Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. If the card has an R in parantheses next to it, it means that the card appeared reversed.

The Question: A woman would like to know if her and her husband will be able to buy a home soon.

The Cards

1. 5 of Wands (R):
Upright, this card would represent a struggle, but not a violent one; more like a mock fight. Reversed in this position, it seems to mean a small struggle, but nothing the querent and her husband can't handle. The situation is that they are barely making ends meet.

2. The Chariot (R):
A battle that the querent and her husband are losing. This struggle will be really tough.

3. The Moon:
Uncertainty. Their financial situation is shaky; it is constantly hanging over their heads. Also may indicate that something may be "hiding in the wings" that they don't know about yet.

4. 8 of Wands (R):
Upright, this signifies a movement in a positive direction; in this position, the underlying situation is stagnation -- they are not advancing as they feel they should be in life.

5. 8 of Pentacles (R):
A financial decline recently.

6. Page of Pentacles:
A sharp deviation from the rest of the spread, this card could mean a slightly brighter future financially. It will be clarified with the other cards.

7. Knight of Pentacles (R):
Represents trying hard to succeed financially, but struggling in vain.

8. Strength (R):
The people around the querent and her husband may be trying to help, but they have to depend on themselves.

9. 10 of Cups:
Very obviously the querent's hopes. The card depicts a happy family under a rainbow. She hopes very much for a house.

10 of Wands:
The card is of a man carrying a heavy load of wands. The querent and her husband will struggle; they may see an improvement in their financial future, but the house may be a long way off.
